How Do I Choose from the Graduate School?
Grad students typically have a number of things to consider when choosing where to go for graduate studies. First, take into consideration your goals. Do you plan to attend full-time? What is your GPA? Do you plan to complete the GRE and GMAT? This all may influence your decision on where to attend.
Before choosing a graduate program, students must consider their passions, motivations, and goals. Then, they may need to do some research on available schools that fit their needs and goals. Location may play a role. Some students could be working and do not want to give up their job. They may want to work and attend school part time. Also important is considering cost. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. Graduate loans may be available to help cover those costs.
How Can You Compare Accredited Grad Schools?
Comparing academic programs is a part of the process of achieving specific goals. Current students and those working may want to look at several core factors when trying to determine which program is perfect for their needs. Here are some factors to consider when looking at these programs:
Does the master’s program offer coursework that interests you?
Is the program accredited by an organization related to the field of study you are interested in?
What type of supportive service are available, like mentoring?
If it applies to you, does the program offer education for international students?
Do the academic degrees offer any type of job-finding support including assistantships or internships?
What type of ongoing support does the program offer?
Does the curriculum interest you?
Each of these factors may play a big role in your decision to choose one program or another. Prospective students may wish to look into the school’s graduation rate in their chosen program, too. The more you know about the program, the better of a decision you can make.
Find Graduate Schools That Offer Advantages
Do you plan to study humanities? Are you considering social services? No matter what higher education you are after, some programs offer advantages. They may allow you to apply work experience towards your degree. They may offer graduate certificates into specific areas important to your career goals. There are a few key things to consider about grad programs that make them a better fit for some people:
Entrance Exams – No GRE / GMAT Options
Didn’t do so well on the GRE (or just don’t want to take it?), no problem! Check out our lists of no GRE and low score GRE graduate school options.
Direct Entry MSN Programs
Looking to enter the nursing field but do not have your RN license or a BSN? Direct entry MSN programs for non nursing majors may exist!
Advanced Standing MSW Programs
Are you working in the field of social work and already have a bachelor’s degree in the subject? Then you may be able to fast track your MSW with these online MSW options!
Low GPA Options
If you’re still worried about finding a grad school that accepts a low GPA, check out our list of schools that may accept a 2.5 GPA or lower.
5 Most Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) by Prospective Graduate Students
Find Funding
Paying for a graduate education may be possible through a series of methods. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. One option for students is a scholarship. These are funds that students may not have to repay. Scholarships are available from multiple organizations and for various reasons. Seek out those associated with your specific chosen field of study.
Both government-based, federal loans and private student loans may be available as well. These loans may help to cover the cost of tuition and other needs. Graduate loans are a bit different than those selected for undergraduate education.
Students may wish to explore multiple funding options. Doing to may make it possible to enroll in a master’s degree program or a doctoral program quickly. Consider all options before making a decision on any loan.

Scholarships Since it’s ‘free money’ it is important to spend some time searching for scholarship dollars. It is important to narrow your search window to give yourself the best chance at winning.

Federal Loans If you need a student loan to fill the gaps be sure to understand your options. As a graduate student, you many be eligible for federal loans or private student loans.

Private Student Loans If you need a student loan to fill the gaps be sure to understand your options. As a graduate student, you many be eligible for federal loans or private student loans.

Fellowships What a tri-fecta! Earn your degree, get paid and get valuable research experience! Check out our list of portable and institutional fellowships.